
Growing up my family always took road trips. We endearingly referred to one another as "Stinking Roadbums!"  Decades later it still lives on and I continue to carry the torch earning me other nicknames like "Gypsy," "The Breeze" & my favorite, "Toots..." Thanks Dad!  As fate would have it my love for "the road" led me to my Marine who loves the pavement as much as I do!  Our motto is: "Get in, put her in drive, plan some spontaneity and let the magic begin!"  We want to inspire and spark the spontaneity, wonder and social interaction that IS textbook "roadbummin."  As we naturally connect with others of the same mindset, we hope to create a “Corps-group,” who similarly, want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and do our very best to leave every place we've been a little better in some way.

"Toots & The Marine" AKA:
Pammy & Tony

RDBM & Logo are Trademarks of Roadbum, LLC